Lifetime Personal Health

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    In my 20s, I will focus on staying active through karate and dance.
    I will make sure to continuously get protein from meats and nuts, calcium from milk, and potassium, omega-3 fats, and folic acid (for reproduction.
    I will not smoke or use tobacco and alcohol.
    I will try to get healthy amounts (7-8 hours) of sleep consistantly.
    Medical check-ups, gynecological exams, prenatal care if I get pregnant, and keeping up eye exams and immunizations will be important
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    I will need to make sure to maintain a healthy weight and not let myself become overweight as my metabolim slows down.
    Plenty of fruits and vegetables and lean protein and only low/no fat dairy products will be essential to diet.
    I still need to be in karate and dance or some other physical activity.
    Still not smoking, using tobacco, drinking, or doing drugs.
    I'll need to continue to make sure I'm relaxing and not living stressed.
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    The biggest health risks now are chronic pain which can be restricted through low stress, medical checkups, and a ealth diet, and still staying active.
    Blood glucose levels and osteoporosis are also big health concerns during this age.
    Another issue that could develop (or in my case worsen) during the 40s is anxiety and depression which need to be talked about ith a heath care provider.
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    By the 50s, I'll be getting old. THe main focus of 50s is to make sure I'm still eating healthy and cutting back specifically salt and unhealthy fats. Also, staying physically AND mentally active is important.
    Throughout this decade it is important to stay social and maybe pursue a new hobby.
    Continuing to not smoke, use tobacco, do drugs, or drink will be important too.
    Specific health concerns are diabetes, anxiety, cancer, and vision problems.
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    This is when the biggest risk of health concerns will arise, inclduing heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc. and talk to my doctor before it gets worse.
    Continuing to excercise and avoid smoking, drinking, or drugs is important here too.
    Eating lots of fruits, fiber-rish grains, non/low fat dairy products, and lean meats is important
    Medical check ups should become more frequent.