Lifetime Personal Health

  • 20's Focus

    20's Focus
    My focus for the 20's would be to have a balance of nutrients which maintains a healthy weight. In order to do this, I would exercise about 30 minutes or more each day for most of the week. In order to prevent health problems I would practice good hygiene.
  • 20's

    It is important that a person gets enough sleep daily to improve their health. A healthy diet can also help your health by reducing the risk for heart disease. While eating, it is also important to chew slowly and carefully in order to obtain nutrients such as protein, calcium and potassium. Medical check ups every 2 to 3 years are recommended to prevent things that are detrimental to one's health. Maintaining your emotional health is very important because it can affect your physical health.
  • 30's

    In the 30's, it is important to maintain a healthy weight in order to reduce a risk of medical conditions such as diabetes. One way to do this is to eat a healthy diet consisting of iron, folic acid and other minerals and vitamins. Exercising regularly about 30-60 minutes a day can help as well in maintaining a healthy weight.
  • 30's Focus

    30's Focus
    My focus for the 30's would be to maintain a healthy balance between body, mind, and spirit. In order to do this, I would exercise regularly about 30-60 minutes a day. In order to prevent health problems, I would monitor my BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.
  • 40's

    Chronic pain, blood pressure, stress, and osteoporosis are some common health concerns people in their 40's face. Regular exercise and healthy eating does a big part in both preventing and lessening most of the conditions above. For chronic pain, you can try to reduce the risk for health problems due to wear and tear and overuse. Physical exams, dental exam and cleaning, and diabetes screening are recommend for people to go either by years or by months.
  • 40's Focus

    40's Focus
    My focus for the 40's would be to practice healthy habits. In order to do this, I would exercise about 30 minutes a day. In order to prevent health problems I would get regular medical check ups to find out about a health problem as soon as possible so that it is easier to find a solution to the problem.
  • 50's Focus

    50's Focus
    My focus for the 50's would be to lower the risk for chronic health problems. In order to do this, I would exercise about 30-60 minutes a day consisting of aerobic activity. To prevent health problems, I would screen for disease and then get an assessment of the risks for medical problems and receive immunizations accordingly.
  • 50's

    In the 50's, it is important to stay active physically and mentally because it helps you to maintain a healthy weight and reduces stress. Sleep is very important for good health as well. Digestive issues, high blood pressure, and menopause are common health concerns for people in their 50's. In order to discover and prevent these concerns, physical exams and screenings for different things like blood pressure are recommended.
  • 60's

    In the 60's, preventative measures such as learning about warning signs for things and talking to a doctor are important in maintaining your health. An important step to staying healthy is to protect your heart. This can prevent heart attacks and other heart problems common for people in their 60's. Regular tests and screenings are recommended. In the house, make sure that there is a smoke detector and carbon monoxide detector on every floor and that they are functioning properly.
  • 60's Focus

    60's Focus
    My focus for the 60's would be to make healthy lifestyle choices such as physical and mental activity. In order to do this, I would exercise about 30 minutes a day with an exercise that is just right for you. To prevent health problems, visiting a health care provider regularly for check ups, screenings, tests and immunizations can allow you ease in preventing and getting rid of a health problem in its early stages.