
Life of Eddie Mabo

  • Born

    Eddie mabo was born Eddie Koiki Sambo on the 29th of June, 1932 on Murray island (known locally as mer island)
  • Exile from Mer

    Mabo is exiled from his home by the Queensland Government sometime during his teenage years.
  • Adult life

    Mabo works the sugar cane plantations, and the on a ship before he runs away to marry Bonita
  • Marriage

    He married Bonita neehow at the age of 23 at an unknown date in 1959
  • James Cook university

    Over the next decade, mabo held a number of jobs, before becoming a gardener at James Cook university in Townsvile, where he would sometimes sit in on lectures.
  • Discussion about native title

    During 1974, mabo has a discussion with professor Noel Loos and Henry Reynolds of James coom university about his rights to natiev title.
  • Court Case

    Mabo fought for legal rights over his land on Murray island against the Queensland government for ten long years. Claiming native title, he explained to people how his people owned their land.
  • Death

    Eddie mabo died of cancer in Brisbane after 10 years of fighting for his case, aged 55.