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Life about W.B Yeats

  • W.B. Yeats is born

    W.B. Yeats is born
    William Butler Yeats was born on June 13, 1865 in Dublin Ireland. His dad was a well known painter. His name was James Butler Yeats.
  • School

    He went to a religuis school that was private. The name of his school is Goddolphin. His school was in hammersmith.
  • Yeats is moving

    Yeats is moving
    Him and his family are moving to London, England, During the summers Yeats would of go visit his hometown.
  • Inspired

    He got inspired in Ireland.
  • The beggining of something new

    The beggining of something new
    Yeats started college at a national art and design school. He went there until 1886.
  • works have been seen

    works have been seen
    Yeats first works were seen
  • Meets Maud Gonne

    Meets Maud Gonne
    He met Maude Gonne at his dad's house in Bedford park, London.
  • little things

    little things
    He did some little things like taking small crownds and doing as i would say a reading. They would often sing and dance at them.
  • First to find

    First to find
    W.B Yeats found the Rhymer's club. He found this place in England. This place was later called the "Tragic Generation".
  • Published Countless Catheen

    Published Countless Catheen
    This is one of his books he published
  • Co Discoverd

    Co Discoverd
    Yeats co discoverd a place called Abbey Theater. The theater was opend in 1904.
  • Plays

    He loved a play called Noh. It was a jappenese play. He went to almost all of them.
  • Artist

    He followed what he went to college for. He wanted to paint pictures of seascapes and landscapes.
  • USA and back

    USA and back
    Yeats decided that he needed to travel to america for a tour.
  • Publisher

    He published another book that he decided to call Cathleen ni Houlian.
  • Marrige

    He maried a girl named George Hyde Lees. They had two kids. One was a boy and the other was a girl.
  • Recives a reward

    Recives a reward
    W.B Yeats got a Nobel Peace Prize for his Literature
  • Another published

    Another published
    This book is called Bronze head. It is about the changes in the world.
  • First Senate

    First Senate
    He was Irelands first Senate. he was then reelected in 1925
  • W.B Yeats death

    W.B Yeats death
    William Butler Yeats died in January 28, 1939 because he had a variety of illnisess. He died at a hotel.