Leonhard Euler

  • Birth

    Leonard Euler was born on this day to Paul Euler and Marguerite Brucker.
  • Period: to

    Leonard Euler

  • Master of Philosophy

    Master of Philosophy
    Euler received his Master of Philosophy with a thesis that compared the philosophies of Descartes and Newton.
  • Paris Academy

    Paris Academy
    Euler was made an associate of the Paris Academy of Sciences.
  • Proffeser

    Euler became a Physics proffeser.
  • Marraige

    Euler married Katharina Gsell.
  • Illness

    After an illness Euler was left almost blind in his right eye.
  • Berlin Academy

    Euler left St. Petersburg to take up a post at the Berlin Academy.
  • Cataract

    Euler suffered a cataract in his good left eye, leaving him almost completely blind.
  • Fire

    Euler lost his home in a fire in St. Petersburg.
  • Bye bye Katherine

    Euler lost his wife Katharina after 40 years of marriage.
  • Death

    Euler suffered a brain hemorrhage and died a few hours later in Saint Petersburg.