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Elon Musk: Sustaniable Pioneer

  • Courage

    Elon Musk demonstrated purposfull courage in his journey towards prosperity. At the beggining, no one believed in his company and the market wanted his to fail. However, he invested all his money in the business and finally surpassed his problems.
  • Big Thinker

    Big Thinker
    Elon Musk may be considered the biggest thinker in recent times. He is pionerring the susaniable energy sector through electric cars, renewable rockets and clean energy. He even gives free energy to his customers.
  • Persistent and Realistic

    Persistent and Realistic
    Elon Musk always had high goals. He never once gave up, even through hard times. Although his vision was quite futuristic, he knew how and when to act.
  • Change Master

    Change Master
    Elon Musk is considered quite the change master. He had to change his companies direction multiple times due to bankruptcy. Once, he even invested all his money earned through Paypal, his previous company.
  • Risk Taker

    Risk Taker
    Elon Musk faced the biggest threat in the market: Oil Industry. His products were to abolish the use of fossil fuels and make our world healthier. However, he faced the biggest corporations and probability of failure.
  • Positive and Hope-Filled

    Positive and Hope-Filled
    When Elon was young, he consistently got bullied at school for being the "geek". However, he mantained stength and didn't let other peoples opinion pull him down. He proved to be quite succesfull, for tough times, help you grow.
  • Accepts and Uses Power Wisely

    Accepts and Uses Power Wisely
    Elon Musk became quite the powerfull leader. He is CEO for 3 major corporations: Tesla, Solar City, Space X and he has stayed humble. Although he could have become a "rockstar" and through everything away, he was strong and kept his goals straight.
  • Commited

    Elon Musk knew that his task was incredibly hard. Engeneering is quite the difficult area and even more when we deal with space, energy and electricity. Elon had to dedicate a lot of time and energy to his company, but he knew that without it, he would never suceed.