Kyle Rittenhouse Incident

  • 10:04 pm (Before the Shootings Begin)

    10:04 pm (Before the Shootings Begin)
    Before Rittenhouse allegedly began shooting, he was seen on video amid a group of armed men who said they were protecting a car shop. Rittenhouse is armed with what appears to be a semiautomatic rifle. He claimed that he was there to protect the citizens and he did not have lethal ammunition.
  • 11:41 pm (Protestors gather)

    11:41 pm (Protestors gather)
    A livestream of the night begins at the First United Methodist Church at 60th and Sheridan as protesters are gathered at the Ultimate gas station across the street. During that livestream, around the 7:33 mark, gunshots ring out.
  • 11:48 pm (1st shooting)

    11:48 pm (1st shooting)
    The gunshots heard accounted for the first shooting of the night, at the Bert and Rudy's auto service shop at 6279 Sheridan Road near 63rd Street. Rittenhouse can be seen running across the lot of the auto shop. A person with a red shirt around his neck appears to be chasing him. Rittenhouse shot the man who was chasing him with a rifle in the head and he was seen bleeding out.
  • 11:49pm (second shooting)

    11:49pm (second shooting)
    A minute later, a second shooting is caught on video. Rittenhouse is seen running in the middle of the street as a number of people attack him. He falls to the ground and is seen firing a number of shots, which strike at least two people. He is defending himself from the attacks. One person is seen struck in the arm, while the other is seen lying motionless in the street. The crowd disperses after the shots ring out, and Rittenhouse is seen walking backward in the middle of the street alone.
  • 11:51 pm (Police Arrival)

    11:51 pm (Police Arrival)
    Police arrive at the scene and treat the men who were shot. Rittenhouse is walking towards the squad car. He appears to have his hands up as he is walking towards the car.