Kyle Kelley

  • The Geneva Accords

    Vitenam was divided along the 17th parallel with Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnimh in control of N. Vietnam and a pro-wester reginme in control of the South
  • Dien Bien Phu

    The defeat of French forces in Vietnam
  • Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas

    Linda Brown, a young African American girl, was refused admittance into her neighborhood school and her parents sued the school board. It was unanimously decided that segregation in public schools was unconstitutional and violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
  • Southern Manifesto

    101 Southern members of Congress signed the southern manifesto which denounced the Supreme Court's Brown vs. Board ruling as a clear abuse of judicial power and pledged to use all lawful means to reverse the decision.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education follow-up

    The Supreme Court inadvertantly encourages white resistance when ordering schools to proceed "with all deliberate speed"
  • Rosa Parks

    Rosa Parks refuses to stand up for whites on a Montgomery bus and is taken into custody
  • Meeting at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church

    Dr. King encourages the people to proceed with a peaceful protest
  • Supreme Court Segregation Decision

    The Supreme Court affirmed the dicision of a special three-judge panel declaring Alabama's laws requiring segregation on buses unconstitutional.
  • Greensboro lunch counter sit-in

    Students in Greensboro, North Caroline stage a sit-in at a local lunch counter. Sit-ins spread and students eventually form the SNCC in April
  • Kennedy's Inauguration

    Kennedy takes office and from 1961 to late 1963, sends around 13,000 more troops into South Vietnam
  • Freedom Riders

    James Farmer organizes the first Freedom Riders to desegregate interstate bus travel
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    Birmingham Protests

    Martin Luther King Jr. leads protests in Birmingham, Alabama. Police assault and protestors, along with King, are jailed
  • Voting Rights Act

    Congress passes the Voting Rights Act, making it illegal to not allow people to vote based on race or color
  • I Have A Dream

    King delivers his "I Have A Dream" speech suring the March on Washington in support of the new civil rights act
  • Vietnamese generals sieze power in the South

    They overthrow Diem and execute him. South Vietnam's government continues to grow increasingly weak and unstable
  • Civil Rights Act

    In the United States, it outlawed major forms of discrimination against blacks and women, including racial segregation
  • President Johnson announces N. Vietnam torpedo attacks

    Two American destroyers in the Gulf of Tonkin were destroyed. The attack was seen as unprovoked and American aircraft attacked N. Vietnames ships and naval facilities.
  • The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    The Senate and House passed this, authorizing the president to "take all necessary measures to repel any armed attac against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression." Basically, Congress had handed its war powers over to the president.
  • Operation Rolling Thuner

    President Johnson expanded American involvement by beginning a sustained bombing compaign agaainst North Vietnam. Later this month, combat troops will be sent.
  • National Teach In

    Students and teachers discussed the issues surrounding the war aand reaffirmed their reasons for opposing it. This was one of the largest, held over radio, listened to by over 100,000 anti-war demonstrators.
  • Tet Offensive

    The Vietnamese New Year, The Vietcong launched a massive surprise attack on most American airbases in South Vietnam and most of the South's major cities. It was a military loss, but a political victory for the Vietcong.
  • Nixon's Plans

    Nixon announced the withdrawal of 25,00 soldiers. He increased air-strikes against N Vietnam and began secretely bombing Vietcong sactuaries in nighboring Cambodia.
  • 26th Amendment

    All citizens 18 and older can vote. This was fueled by the belief that, if draftees were old enough to fight, they were old enough to vote.
  • US Involvement in Vietnam Ends

    Retraction of US troops from Vietnam