(KS) The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom, fiction, 196 pages

  • Chapter 1-7. Read 80 pages

    These pages described the main character, Eddie the maitnence man of an amusement park, and how he dies. After his death, he starts his journey on the way to heaven by meeting 2 people who have also died who affected his life in a major way (he is going to meet 5 in total as the title implies before he can come to rest). Each new character he meets reveales a more and more about Eddie's character, and how he came to the event of his death.1-80 pages, total=80 pages
  • Chapter 7-11, Read 77 pages

    Eddie has met the blue man, the captain, and Ruby. Now he is meeting his fourth person, his one an only love, Marguerite. The blue man died so that he could live and taught him the value of freedom. The captian handicapped Eddie to save his life, as well as getting blown up in his place. Ruby taught him how to forgive his father for all the years of abuse. Now Eddie must learn from Marguerite before he can meet his fifth person. 80-157pages, total=157
  • Chapter 11-15 (epilogue counted as chapter), Read 39 pages

    Marguerite teaches Eddie about the different forms of love and how they can change people. Then Eddie meets his firfth person, a little girl named Tala whom Eddie had killed unkowingly during his war days. Tala taught Eddie that his life did have purpose, because in working for the park, he saved lives by keeping it safe. Eddie found out that he had actually saved the little girl who he had cost his life for, and he finally finds heaven. 157-196 pages, total= 196 pages