Timeline pic


  • Jan 1, 1100

    Armour of 1100

    Armour of 1100
    The knights wore a come shaped helmet with a nose stip. They also wore a mail suit made of chains and thousands of metal rings. Their shields were a large kite shape. A padded wollen tunic were also part of their armour.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1100 to Dec 31, 1400

    Battle of Hastings

  • Feb 4, 1100

    Late 1100s knight armour

    Late 1100s knight armour
    The helmet were rounder with a rounder nose strip.A loose fit surcoat was worn over the mail armour. The hauberk now covered the neck and is attached to the helmet with leather strips. The shield changed to a smaller version and was more triangular.
  • Apr 28, 1300

    1300s armour

    1300s armour
    The helmet now covered the whole face with a visor that could be lifted up. The shield is now smaller and curved for more protection. Iron gloves are worn to protect the hands. The weight of the armour is now so great that if the knight falls over he would not be able to get up unless someone helps him.
  • May 28, 1400

    Armour 1400

    Armour 1400
    This armour is now 24 kilos and it coveres the whole body with iron. The helmet is lighter and the armour is connected with strips of leather. There was no need for a shield as the knight's whole body is covered with armour.