kirk cousins

  • birth

    he was born on augest 19 1988,
  • Period: to

    his age now

    he was born in 1988 and now he is the age of 31
  • what position did he always want to play

    what position did he always want to play
    When he was 9 he started to like football and his favorite position to play was QB and now he plays QB in the NFL.
  • his scholarship

    his scholarship
    he gotta scholarship to michigan state when he was 19
  • big ten championship

    big ten championship
    They lost their big ten championship game and that was the game if they won they would have went into the rose bowl.
  • when he made NFL

    when he made NFL
    he was a 4th round pick in 2012
  • what was his first team he played for

    what was his first team he played for
    he got drafted by redskins in the 2012 draft and stayed on that team till 2017
  • when did he have his first kid

    when did he have his first kid
    he had his first kid in 2016 the kid is now 4
  • when he left the redskins

    when he left the redskins
    he left the redskins to join the vikings for a large sum of money
  • how much was he signed for

    how much was he signed for
    in 2017 the viking signed him for 78 million dollars for a four year contract