Dvd knight

King Arthur

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    Arthur Pendragon is born. His parents, Uther Pendragon and Igraine.c
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    Uther and Merlin

    Uther and Merlin
    Merlin, a great wizard, advises King Uther that baby Arthur should be raised in a secret place, so no one will find out his identity
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    Battle for power

    Many warriors and men fight and battle over who becomes next king. Merlin oversees.
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    Sword in the stone

    Sword in the stone
    Merlin comes up with a plan to stop all the fighting and make sure arthur becomes king. Merlin outs a magical sword in a stone. it can only be removed by the rightful king.
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    Rightful King

    Arthur is finally ready and removes the sword from the stone.
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    First Task

    Arthur is to drive out the saxons from Britain.
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    Merlin brings Arthur to a magical lake, where the Lady of the Lake offers him a magical sword.
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    After returning from war with the saxons and romans, Arthur comes home to a civil war. Some people are upset he is king. Arthur comes out victorious.
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    Around this time, Arthur is married to Guinevere.
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    Round Table

    Arthur created a way to make himself an equal among his knights.
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    Arthur defeated Emperor Lucius, becoming Emperor himself.
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    Holy Grail

    Holy Grail
    it was prophesied that the Grail would one day be rediscovered by a descendant of St. Joseph: the best knight in the land, the only man capable of sitting in the mysterious Siege Perilous.
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    Arthurs best knight, Lancelot, was having an affair with Guinevere. When Arthur found out, he wanted to capture and burn his queen. Lancelot rescued her and started a 2 month war with Arthur. Eventually the pope intervened and Arthur was forced to take back his queen and let Lancelot go free.
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    Mordred Betrayal

    Arthur had to leave the kingdom to calm down some rebellions. When leaving he put his nephew Mordred in charge. Mordred betrayed Arthur and took over his kingdom.
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    Great war

    Arthur and Mordred went to war. Mordred's army outnumbered Arthurs 2 to 1. Many of Arthur's Round Table knights were veterans and very skilled. they managed to destroy most of Mordred's army but they were finally overcome. Only Arthur, Girflet and Lucan were alive from the round table. Mordred and Arthur faced one another. In the end Arthur won.
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    Death of a King

    Arthur had been fataly wounded by Mordred and no amount time could lead to his recovery. In the end he went with Bedivere to the lake where he first aquired excalibar from the lady in the lake. He ordered Bedivere to throw the sword into the lake. Bedivere tried to trick his king and not throw the sword but arthur was not fooled. Eventually Bedivere threw the sword.After, Bedivere threw Excalibur into the lake; Morgan le Fay arrived with three other women, to take him to avilon and to heal him.