Key Dates in Environmental History IBESS

  • Minamata Bay

    Minamata Bay
    What?- chisso corporation dumped mercury into the minamata bay, which caused many to lose lives or live with physical deformities.
    When?- mid 1950s
    Why?- to prevent having to spend money on environmentally safe ways of disposing off the waste.
    How?- they paid the handful of people that opposed them as compensation.
  • Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

    Silent Spring by Rachel Carson
    Silent SpringSilent Spring was a book published by Rachel Carson on September 27, 1962. Collection of case studies documenting the harmful affects of chemical pesticides on the environment. The book caused so much controversy that it led to the enactment of environmental legislation and the establishment of government agencies to better regulate the use of these chemicals.
  • The first earthday

    The first earthday
    Who: The two organizers of the first earth day
    What: The First Earth Day ever held as a global event
    When: April 22nd, 1970
    Where: San Francisco, USA
    Why: To protest environmental abuses, and to start the creation of environmental laws such as the Endangered Species act, and the Safe Drinking Water Act
    How: Consisted of love-ins, be-ins and teach-ins; events that you could walk in and out of.
  • Save the Whale campaign by Greenpeace

    Save the Whale campaign by Greenpeace
    Commercial whaling during the last century has strongly reduced the whale population. Countries such as Norway, Japan and Iceland are still hunting whales. Green Peace is a leading independent campaigning organization which is reforming the IWC and putting an end to commercial whaling by countries. Bibliography
    "Whaling." Greenpeace International. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Aug. 2013.
  • Bhopal Disaster

    Bhopal Disaster
    On December 2, 1984, in Bhopal, the Indian pesticide factory spilled about 40 tons of methyl isocynate and other chemicals which made all of the clouds over that region really densely toxic. This killed more than 8000 people in only few days. Also more than 20000 people are suffering because of they are exposed by toxic chemicals.

    "Bhopal Disaster." Greenpeace. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Aug. 2013.
  • Chernobyl Disaster

    Chernobyl Disaster
    Chernobyl Disaster What?
    - The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Station included four nuclear reactors
    • Nuclear station crew planned to test if Reactor No. 4 turbines would be able to produce enough energy for coolant pumps running until the emergency diesel generator was activated
    • Power surged unexpectedly causing an explosion and increased temperature in the reactors
    - In the V.I. Lenin Memorial Chernobyl
    • In Ukraine
    • power station located in a wooded, marshy area near the Ukraine
  • Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth - James Lovelock

    Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth - James Lovelock
    "Gaia" written by James Lovelock is a book addressing the theory that living organisms and their environment have grown together and therefore affect the Earth's chemistry and conditions. "Gaia Theory | Model and Metaphor for the 21st Century." Gaia Theory RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Aug. 2013.
  • Rio Earth Summit Conference

    Rio Earth Summit Conference
    Rio Earth Summit Conference:
    What? :
    It was a conference held as the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.
    This conference was held in 1992 between the dates 3-14 of June.
    The Rio Earth Summit Conference was held in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
    This is was to state the need for worldwide economic development and the protection of the environment and non-renewable resources.
    What next?
    Many different treaties and documents were signed at the conference.
  • Kyoto Summit

    The Kyoto Protocol was adapted in 1997. It was the first international agreement which legally binds developed countries to emission reduction targets. The Kyoto Protocol had emergered from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change at the Earth Summit (1992). It was finilazed on the 11th December in Kyoto, Japan, It went into force in 2005. Almost all nations have signed the treaty with the exception of the United States
  • Millenium Development Goals

    Millenium Development Goals
    • Millenium Development Goals In september 2000 189 countries(UN members) adopted a UN Millenium Declaration to achieve 8 goals by 2015. This is to address the extreme poverty, hunger, disease, lack of adequate shelter, health, environment and education.
    "UN Millennium Project | About the MDGs." UN Millennium Project | About the MDGs. Millennium Project, n.d. Web. 14 Aug. 2013.
  • An Inconvient Truth

    An Inconvient Truth
    An Inconvenient Truth is a documentary released in 2006 to show awareness of the dangers that society faces because of global warming. It was created to alert governments, leaders, and organizations to take action on global warming. Gore discusses the scientific facts of global warming and how it has started to impact our environment. Gore's theory of global warming was the sun ration comes in, in the form of light waves and that creates heat.
  • The vanishing face of Gaia

    The vanishing face of Gaia
    "The Vanishing Face of Gaia" by James Lovelock is a book written to warn people of the disastrous consequences of global warming which we will face in the 21st century. He proposes that the 'green' movement that is ongoing; cleaner cars, food etc. will not be sufficient to save the world. His theory however, is that the Gaia theory would do a much better job. The theory states that living organisms and their inorganic surroundings have evolved together as a single living system that affects the
  • Deepwater Horizon (Oil Spill)

    Deepwater Horizon (Oil Spill)
    Deepwater Horizon was an oil rig off of the coast of Houston, Texas, and owned by the oil company BP. On the 20th of April, 2010, it suffered a gas release and a subsequent explosion due to a "well integrity failure". 11 workers on the rig died, and the gulf of Mexico experience the worst oil spill in history.
  • Oil Spill Koh Samet

    Oil Spill Koh Samet
    Pattaya News
    early 5,000 liters of oil that washed ashore on eight kilometers of western Koh Samet shoreline after a pipe at the oil company’s offshore transfer station leaked, spilling about 50,000 liters of crude into Rayong Bay July 27