Karl popper

Karl Popper

  • The birth of Karl Popper

    The birth of Karl Popper
    Karl Popper was born July 28, 1902, in Vienna, Italy. One of the 20th century's most influential philosophers of science, an Austrian-British philosopher, Popper, is known for his rejection of the classical inductivist views on the scientific method in favor of empirical.
  • Learning about Einstein

    Learning about Einstein
    Learning about Einstein's work changed poppers life. What truly impressed Popper was that Einstein had expressed a willingness to discard his theory if it failed specific critical tests. Popper contrasted the outlook of Einstein, who was willing to set objective criteria to determine if his idea was wrong, with the view of his Marxist friends.
  • Theory of Knowledge and Falsification

    Theory of Knowledge and Falsification
    In 1934 Karl Popper published his book Logik der Forschung. Years later, it was published in England in 1959, entitled The Logic of Discovery. His work effectively killed off a branch of philosophy known as logical positivism with his theory of falsification. His theory exposed logical flaws in science. "Karl Popper." Famous Scientists. famousscientists.org. 2 Sep. 2016. Web. 9/24/2022
  • The Hypothetico-deductive method

    The Hypothetico-deductive method
    Popper suggested that it is impossible to prove a scientific theory true by means of induction because no amount of evidence assures us that contrary evidence will not be found. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYMq_-5ADas
  • Karl Poppers death

    Karl Poppers death
    Karl Popper died from cancer, pneumonia, and kidney failure complications on September 17, 1994. Popper continued his dedication to science until his last day; he was very committed to his work. It meant the world to him. Karl Popper, even after his death, continues to be an impact on many scientists.