Julius Caesar

By shebi
  • 100 BCE

    Julius Caesar is born

    Julius Caesar is born
    On July 12th, 100 BCE Julius Caesar was born. He was born in Rome. His full name is Gaius Julius Caesar, he was born into an aristocratic family which bloodlines go back to the founders of Rome. His father had the same name as him. He was also the nephew of famous Roman general, Gaius Marius https://www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/julius-caesar
  • 85 BCE

    Julius Caesar's youth

    Julius Caesar's youth
    When he was only 16, his father died and Ceasar became the head of his family. He decided that the best thing for him to do for his family was to become a priest. He managed to get himself nominated as the High Priest of Jupiter. https://www.ancient.eu/Julius_Caesar/
  • 84 BCE

    Julius Ceasars first wife

    Julius Ceasars first wife
    Julius Ceasar married his first wife in 84 B.C., her name was Cornelia and she was the daughter of a high profile member of the Populares, Lucius Cinna. When the Roman ruler Sulla declared himself dictator, he began a purge of his enemies, and one of those enemies was his wife's father, Cinna. Ceasar was targeted because he was married to Cinna's daughter and was forced to flee Rome. https://www.biography.com/political-figure/julius-caesar
  • 81 BCE

    Julius Caesar joins the army

    Julius Caesar joins the army
    After Ceasar got chased out of Rome by Sulla, he was stripped of his position as a priest and no more means to support himself or his family. So Ceasar decided to join the army to support himself. He proved to be an effective soldier and even earned the civic crown for saving a life in battle. Ceasar was promoted to the staff of the military legate to Bithynia to secure a fleet of ships. https://www.ancient.eu/Julius_Caesar/
  • 80 BCE

    Julius Caesar returns to Rome

    Julius Caesar returns to Rome
    When Sulla died in 78 B.C. Ceasar wanted to return back to Rome to try his luck as an orator (modern day lawyer) and he became widely known for his oratory skills. His major cause was against an associate of Sulla.
  • 75 BCE

    Julius Ceasar is captured

    Julius Ceasar is captured
    On 75 B.C. the nobleman Julius Ceasar was captured by pirates and held for ransom. When the pirates told him that he was worth 20 talents, he just laughed and said that he was worth atleast 50. He threatened to have them all crucified but they took it as a joke. After the ransom was paid and he was released, he raised a naval force in Miletus, found the pirates, made good of his threat and had them all crucified. https://www.britannica.com/story/the-time-julius-caesar-was-captured-by-pirates
  • 63 BCE

    Julius Caesar elected pontifex maximus

    Julius Caesar elected pontifex maximus
    In 63 B.C. Ceasar was elected pontifex maximus. Pontifex maximus was the chief priest of the religion of Rome. It was prestigious but didn't have many duties. Julius Ceasar was the 16th pontifex maximus and held this position until he died. After Ceasars death, the next pontifex maximus was Marcus Aemilius Lepidus became the next pontifex maximus. https://www.livius.org/articles/concept/pontifex-maximus/
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Ceasar's death

    Julius Ceasar's death
    Julius Ceasar was assassinated in Rome on March 3rd, 44 B.C. The plan to assassinate Ceasar included up to 60 people betraying him in his own senate and was led by Marcus Junius Brutus. Ceasar died with 23 stab wounds. His last words were not 'Et tu, Brute?" like many people think, they were actually, "And you, child?" Some people think that theres a deeper meaning to Ceasars last words but we will never know. https://talesoftimesforgotten.com/2017/03/25/caesars-real-last-words/