Journal: Timeline

  • World's First Demonstration of Television

    The viewers were the members of the Royal Institution of Great Britain (Milestones, 2022). According to this article, the inventor and entrepreneur was John Logie Baird and the BBC adopted his system and used it for their first television broadcast, which was in 1930 (Milestones, 2022). “The milestone here celebrates Baid's achievement by commemorating the first public demonstration of television that he gave at 22 Frith Street in London in January 1926” (Milestones, 2022).
  • Creation of NBC

    Creation of NBC
    National Broadcasting Company, is the oldest broadcasting networks and formed in November of 1926 during gala in the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, in New York City (Erickson, 2024). David Sarnoff generated NBC and was the general manager for RCA. The network was originally supposed to generate information, but then gained attention in entertainment. NBS lost some of its leading performers to CBS, which caused them to suffer and “lose an edge in the upcoming television age,” in 1948 (Erickson, 2024).
  • First Successful Electronic Television Transmission

    First Successful Electronic Television Transmission
    Farnsworth invented the first successful electronic television transmission. He thought the mechanical systems were too slow to scan images and only an electronic system could scan an image fast enough. The articled stated, “by 1922 he had worked out the basic outlines of electronic television.” He moved to Los Angeles and Everson/ Gorrell put up funds and lab space for him to make the first successful electronic television transmission (Philo Farnsworth, 2020).
  • W2XB the First Television Station

    W2XB the First Television Station
    According to Mechanical Television, “W2XB was General Electrics television station in Schenectady, New York.” Dr. Ernst Alexanderson was the leader of the television program and in 1928 GE broadcasted as 2XB, using a 24 line mechanical standard (Mechanical Television). “The Queen's Messenger” was the first television broadcast by W2XB for the country and it was a drama and then in 1939 they began airing electronic television (Mechanical Television).
  • First Television Drama Airs

    First Television Drama Airs
    The Queen’s Messenger was aired by General Electric. One of the actresses was Broadway star Izetta Jewel Miller (Google). The show was developed by Ernst Alexanderson, written by J. Hartley Manners, and directed by Mortimer Stewart. It was a radio drama that was made for television; provided both sound and moving pictures. It was broadcasted on TV’s all around the city that were three inches in diameter. This was a show in English and an episode ran for 40 minutes (The Queen’s Messenger, 2021).
  • The Communications Act of 1934

    The Communications Act of 1934
    According to the Bureau of Justice Assistance, “The Communications Act of 1934 combined and organized federal regulation of telephone, telegraph, and radio communications.” This act was important because it established a legal basis for regulating wired and non wired communications, which was on a national and worldwide basis. This act led to The Federal Communications Commissions, which replaced the Federal Radio Commission (Communications Act of 1934, 2024).
  • First Television Commercial

    First Television Commercial
    The first television commercial was for the Bulova Watch company and was aired for 10 seconds in July of 1941. This was broadcasted on WNBT and was a simple graphic and voiceover. Biow Company designed the graphics and such for the commercial and newer research has shown that the ad was seen by thousands (America’s Watches the First Commercial… For Watches, 2017). This commercial was aired between the Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies baseball game (Pandey, 2023).