John polkinghorne 2007

Jonh Charlton Polkinghorne

  • 1930 Birth

    1930 Birth
    John Charlton Polkinghorne was born October 16, 1930 in England to a devout family. Turner, Darrell J.. "John Polkinghorne". Encyclopedia Britannica, 06 Oct. 2021, Accessed 8 August 2022.
  • 1956 Doctorate Degree from Trinity College

    1956 Doctorate Degree from Trinity College
    Polkinghorne earned a Bachelor's in Mathematics in 1952, followed by a Master's and Doctorate in quantum field theory in 1956 from Trinity College. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia. "Trinity College". Encyclopedia Britannica, 1 Aug. 2021, Accessed 02 August 2022.
  • 1968 Lecturer at Cambridge

    In 1968 Polkinghorne took the position of lecturer at Cambridge, two years later he became a professor of mathematical physics in at the same university. Turner, Darrell J.. "John Polkinghorne". Encyclopedia Britannica, 12 Oct. 2021, Accessed 2 August 2022.
  • 1974 Selection for fellow of Royal Society

    1974 Selection for fellow of Royal Society
    In 1974 Polkinghorne obtained an addition doctorate from Trinity college in elementary particle physics. He continued to work on mathematical models of quantum particles that concluded with his selection to be a fellow of the Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge. Hunter, Michael. "Royal Society". Encyclopedia Britannica, 24 Jan. 2021, Accessed 2 August 2022.
  • 1979 Career Change

    1979 Career Change
    In 1979 Polkinghorne retired from Cambridge and began training in the Anglican ministry to become an ordained priest. Taylor, J. C., and D. A. Wilkinson. "John Charlton Polkinghorne KBE. 16 October 1930—9 March 2021". Biographical Memoirs Of Fellows Of The Royal Society, vol 72, 2022, pp. 293-309. The Royal Society, Accessed 2 Aug 2022.
  • 1983 Trilogy of Books

    Polkinghorne expressed his ideas on Science and Theology in his trilogy of books on the topic. Most significant was his "One Word" where he established what the nature of science and theology were, leading to further dialogue. He championed that critical realism was a way to understand both field, and that one discipline does not have a governing rule.
  • 1989 President of Queens' College

    After serving as a priest from 1981, Polkinghorne returned to Cambridge as Dean of Chapel in 1986. Later in 1989 he became President of Queens' College until his retirement. This platform provided his a place to develop his writing and to speak to a much larger audience about the relationships between Science and Theology.
  • 1996 Retirement

    Polkinghorne retires as President of Queen's College.
  • Citation

    Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopedia. "Trinity College". Encyclopedia Britannica, 1 Aug. 2021, Accessed 02 August 2022.
    Hunter, Michael. "Royal Society". Encyclopedia Britannica, 24 Jan. 2021, Accessed 2 August 2022.
  • Citation

    Taylor, J. C., and D. A. Wilkinson. "John Charlton Polkinghorne KBE. 16 October 1930—9 March 2021". Biographical Memoirs Of Fellows Of The Royal Society, vol 72, 2022, pp. 293-309. The Royal Society, Accessed 2 Aug 2022.
    Turner, Darrell J.. "John Polkinghorne". Encyclopedia Britannica, 12 Oct. 2021, Accessed 2 August 2022.