Jolted Madison Jackson

  • exposition 1 background

    exposition 1 background
    Newton is 16, goes to Jerry Potts Acadomey and his family has a curse that all his family members hav died of lightning.
  • Exposition 2 characters

    Exposition 2 characters
    Newtons friend
  • Exposition 3 setting

    Exposition 3 setting
    Takes place at the school Jerry Pots Academy .
  • Period: to


  • conflict

    he is scared of lightning because many of his family members died of lightning.
  • rising action 1

    rising action 1
    he makes sure that he always folows the survival guide
  • rising action 2

    rising action 2
    He stays inside when it is raining unless he has to go out side for school classes
  • rising action 3

    rising action 3
    Newton still has a normal life. he goes to shool and spends time with his friends.
  • rising action5

    rising action5
    He also makes sure that he is not near windows or electrical prouducts when it is raining so nothing bad hapens to him.
  • climax/turning point

    climax/turning point
    He has a friend that he spends time with , when he spends time with his friend he gets his mind of of his fear.
  • falling action

    falling action
    Newton spends more time with his friends and more time not worring about lightning.
  • falling action

    falling action
    He gets less and less worrird about lightning and is using hissurvivalguide less.
  • resolution

    Newton spends more time doing school work and hanging out with friends now that he is less scared of lightning
  • resolution

    Because he is not so scared of lightning he became a new person.