John lennon by florin chis d2nvbd0

John Winston Lennon

  • John Lennon was born

    John Lennon was born
  • John's parents divorce, he starts to live with his aunt Mary Elisabeth

    John's parents divorce, he starts to live with his aunt Mary Elisabeth
  • Lennon creates the group THE QUARRYMEN named after his school

    Lennon creates the group THE QUARRYMEN named after his school
  • Lennon meets Paul McCartney

    Lennon meets Paul McCartney
  • Lennon's mother dies

    Lennon's mother dies
  • THE BEATLES appears

    THE BEATLES appears
  • John Lennon marries Cynthia Lillian Powell

    John Lennon marries Cynthia Lillian Powell
  • The Beatles are "more popular then Jesus" (c)

    The Beatles are "more popular then Jesus" (c)
  • Paul McCartney becomes the leader of the group

    Paul McCartney becomes the leader of the group
  • Lennon marries Yoko Ono

    Lennon marries Yoko Ono
  • Sean Taro Ono Lennon was born

    Sean Taro Ono Lennon was born
  • John Winston Lennon is killed by Mark David Chapman

    John Winston Lennon is killed by Mark David Chapman