John Lennon

  • John Lennon’s birth

    John Lennon was born on October 9th, 1940. He was born in Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • John Lennon meets Paul McCartney

    John Lennon meets Paul McCartney
    John Lennon met Paul McCartney and they started to sing together.
  • “The Beatles”

    The Beatles went through many names before they officially became the Beatles.They were previously “Johnny and the Moondogs” and “Sliver Beatles” before they officially became “The Beatles” in 1960.
  • Made it big

    They were recognized in 1964 as the first British band to make it big in the U.S.
  • Biggest Concert In Musical History

    Biggest Concert In Musical History
    Another one of their accomplishments is in 1965 they set the record for the biggest concert in musical history.
  • Marriage and Leaving The Group

    Marriage and Leaving The Group
    John Lennon married his second wife Yoko Ono in 1969. She caused some tension in the group so he ended up leaving.
  • His Solo Career

    His Solo Career
    After he left he started his own solo career and famously collaborated with many artist. Also Lennon and Ono broke up in 1973, only to get back together in 1974.
  • Having a Kid

    Having a Kid
    John Lennon got back together with Ono in 1974. He also had a kid named Sean that was born in 1975
  • John Lennon’s Death

    John Lennon died on December 8th,1980. He was shot by a deranged fan outside his apartment.