
John Lennon

By gramsey
  • John Winston Lennon is born

    John Winston Lennon is born
  • The Germans bombed Liverpool

    The Germans bombed Liverpool
  • John gets his first Guitar

    John gets his first Guitar
  • John's in his first band the Quarry Men

    John's in his first band the Quarry Men
  • Beatles American debut on Ed Sullivan Show

    Beatles American debut on Ed Sullivan Show
  • John remarked, "The beatles are more popular than jesus

    John remarked, "The beatles are more popular than jesus
  • John left his wife for Yoko

    John left his wife for Yoko
  • John and Yoko do BED PEACE

    John and Yoko do BED PEACE
  • The beatles broke up

    The beatles broke up
  • John creates, The Plastic Ono Band

    John creates, The Plastic Ono Band
  • John is being stalked by the FBI

    John is being stalked by the FBI
  • John and Yoko announce they are founding Nutopia

    John and Yoko announce they are founding Nutopia
    They pulled hankercheifs out of their pockets and announce they where founding Nutopia, a conceptual country with no boundaries and no passports, just people. The white hankerchiefs were Nutopia's flag. As embassadors of Nutopia, they asked for diplomatic immunity.
  • John visits Disney World with his son Julian

    John visits Disney World with his son Julian
  • Yoko makes him date Mary Pang

    Yoko makes him date Mary Pang
  • John Lennon is Assasinated

    John Lennon is Assasinated