John dupre

John Dupré Born 3 July 1952 - present

  • Birth

    John was born on 3 Jul 1952 in Pembury, Kent, England. He received his bachelor's from Oxford University and a Doctorate of Philosophy from Cambridge University (World Biographical Encyclopedia, Inc. 2021)
  • The Disorder of things

    The Disorder of things
    John is a critic of scientific philosophy. his field of philosophy is biology. He argues against determinism and believes that philosophy has a bias towards physics (BristolPhilosophy, 19 Feb 2013). He publishes his first book called The Disorder of Things. Metaphysical foundations of the disunity of science.
  • Egenis

    From 2002 - 2012 Dupre becomes the director of Egenis the ESRC Center for Genomics in Society. He works on philosophical issues with genomes and genetics. he believes that in order to further our understanding of biology there needs to be a paradigm shift to processes instead of things. he co-authors the book Genomes and What to Make of Them (.
  • A Process Ontology for Contemporary Biology

    In this project Dupre further elaborates on his views about processes and how science is viewed. He argues that things are stagnant or unchanging and we should not look at biology through this lens. he co-edited, Everything Flows: Towards a Processual Philosophy of Biology with Daniel Nicholson (John Dupre, 2021).
  • 2019- Present

    2019- Present
    John Dupre is currently working on Representing Biology as Process, a radical theory of how to shift the mindset from a stagnant thing-based ideology to a process based one. John has revolutionized how we view biology his views present a different way to view life and organism. he argues that we may never find the root to life because microbiology has lateral gene transfer and should not look for this in a traditional sense (BristolPhilosophy, 19 Feb 2013).