John dewey cph.3a51565

John Dewey Timeline

  • John Dewey's Birthday

    John Dewey was born in Burlington, Vermont, in 1859. If he was still alive today, he would be almost 163 years old!
  • John's Schooling and Teaching Career

    Growing up, John attended the public school system in Burlington and "when he was just 15 years old, he enrolled at the University of Vermont, where he particularly enjoyed studying philosophy under the tutelage of H.A.P. Torrey. Four years later, Dewey graduated from the University of Vermont second in his class" (1) 1 “John Dewey.”, A&E Networks Television, 15 June 2020,
  • Functionalism

    Inspired by Charles Darwin's theory of evolution, John Dewey developed the theory of functionalism."Scholars widely consider Dewey's 1896 paper, The Reflex Are Concept in Psychology, to be the first major work in the functionalist school. In this work, Dewey attacked the methods of psychologists.. who used stimulus-response analysis as the basis of psychological theories" (3).
  • "Cultural Naturalism"

    Dewey found a passion in the philosophy of science through his many years of study and became the one of the most notable founding fathers of pragmatism. "John Dewey developed a pragmatic theory of inquiry to provide intelligent methods for social progress. He believed that the logic and attitude of successful scientific inquires, properly conceived, could be fruitfully applied to morals and politics" (2).
  • John Dewey's Passing

    Dewey passed away in 1952 in New York City.