John dewey 9273497 1 402

John Dewey. Born: Oct 20, 1859, Died: Jun 01, 1952

  • Early Education and Beginning Research

    Early Education and Beginning Research
    Dewey received a doctorate in Philosophy from John Hopkins University in 1884. He began teaching philosophy and psychology where his fascination for the new study of child psychology prompted Dewey to develop a philosophy of education that would progress the democratic societal demand.
  • Beginning of Rational Empiricism

    Beginning of Rational Empiricism
    In 1894 he joined the faculty at the University of Chicago, where he developed his progressive ideas and philosophy. This is where his work on rational empiricism began to take place. He remained at the university until 1904. In that time, he wrote 4 essays titled "Thought and its Subject-Matter". These essays along with other colleges were published into a study called "Studies in Logical Theory."
  • Philosophy of Experience and Nature

    Philosophy of Experience and Nature
    In 1904 Dewey left the university of Chicago for Columbia university. Here is where Dewey developed and many of his influential works, a few being wrote Democracy and Education (1916), Human Nature and Conduct (1922), and Experience and Nature (1925). All of these helped catapult and shape how our education system and techniques used today.
  • Dewey's Travel and Impact

    Dewey's Travel and Impact
    Starting in 1914 Dewey began traveling all over the world giving lectures on education which was intended to strengthen international connections in the area of pre-collegiate education. Dewey left a particle impact on China when traveling there in 1919. China was able to adapt Dewey's about education and implement it even with the vastly different cultural beliefs. linked below is a video on his philosophy and impact: