Hf 152 john brown from bowman gallery iii 001

John Brown

  • John Brown's Birth

    John Brown's Birth
    On this day John Brown was born. He was born in Torrington, Connecticut. He was an American Abolitionist which means he believed in and advocated armed insurrection.
  • John Brown's Wife's and Kids

    John Brown's Wife's and Kids
    John Brown got married to Dianthe Lusk on June 21, 1820. He also got married to Mary Ann Day on June 14, 1833. He also had 20 kids to many other women he was with at sometime.
  • John Brown's Bankruptcy

    John Brown's Bankruptcy
    He spent much of his life failing at a variety of businesses he declared bankruptcy at age 42 and had more than 20 lawsuits filed against him. He was raised with a wealthy family. He also was wealthy growing up until this happened.
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The Kansas-Nebraska Act
    In 1855, after assisting the escape of several slaves. Brown and his five sons moved to Kansas just after that territory had been opened for the possible expansion of slavery by the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Joining the struggle there between pro slavery and Free-Soil settlers.
  • The Success of Pro Slavery Guerrilla

    The Success of Pro Slavery Guerrilla
    Pro slavery guerrillas inspired Brown. With four of his sons and two other accomplices to murder five reputedly pro slavery settlers who lived along Pottawottamie Creek. Justifying his action as obedience to the will of god, Brown soon became a hero in the eyes of northern extremists.
  • The "Secret Six"

    The "Secret Six"
    Brown returned to the East and began raising money to carry out his vision of a mass uprising of slaves. He secured the backing of six prominent abolitionists known as the “Secret Six". His army grew to include 20 men including 5 black men and 3 of his sons.
  • John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry

    John Brown's Raid on Harpers Ferry
    On the night of October 16, 1859 Brown and his band overran the arsenal. Some of his men rounded up a handful of hostages including a few slaves. Word of the raid spread and by morning Brown and his men were surrounded. On the morning of October 19, the soldiers overran Brown and his followers. Ten of his men were killed including two of his sons.
  • John Brown's Death

    John Brown's Death
    On this day John Brown died. He died because of a failed raid on the federal arsenal in Harpers Ferry. There goal was to capture supplies and use them to arm a slave rebellion. Brown was captured during the raid and later hanged.