Jesse james

Jesse James

By mrodell
  • Jesse James is born

    Jesse James is born
    Lived in a poor farm in Missouri
  • Jesse James's Dad died

    Jesse James's Dad died
    Died of starvation along the way to California
  • The Civil War starts

    The Civil War starts
    The war against the Americans and the Americans
  • Frank James joins the Quantrill Raiders

    Frank James joins the Quantrill Raiders
    At the age of 16 Frank is already in a war
  • Then Jesse joins the Quantrill Raider

    Then Jesse joins the Quantrill Raider
    age of 17 he joins the Quantrill raiders and fought in the war with Frank
  • The Civil War ends

    The Civil War ends
    After the Civil war is finished Frank and Jesse quit to be a Qanutrill raiders
  • Jesse and his Gang robbed his first bank the Clay Conuty Saving Banks

    Jesse and his Gang robbed his first bank the Clay Conuty Saving Banks
    Stole $60,000
  • The gang robs Nimord Long Banking

    The gang robs Nimord Long Banking
    stole $30,0000
  • The gang robs two more Banks

    The gang robs two more Banks
  • Jesse James gets married with Zerelda Mimms

    Jesse James gets married with Zerelda Mimms
    She gave birth to one daughter named Mary Susan James
  • The Pinkerton raided our farm

    The Pinkerton raided our farm
    They had to move to St.Joseph Missouri 1881
  • The James Gang started to rob the trains.

    The James Gang started to rob the trains.
    Their first train robbery was a good one they stole 10,000
  • They moved to Sr.joseph Missouri

    They moved to Sr.joseph Missouri
  • Jesse James died

    Jesse James died
    because of Robert Bob Ford, He killed him by shooting James in his back of his head