
Jean Baptiste Lully by Miguel Ángel

  • Birth

    He was born in Florence on 28,May,1632.
    He was French,with Italian origin.
    He was going to become one of the best musicians in France's history
  • Brother's Death

    His brother was died when Jean-Baptiste was only 6 years old.
    The exact date of the brother's death is not known
  • Sister's death

    Only one year aftes his brother's death,his sister Margherita also died.
    So,Jean was only 7 when he had no brothers,only his parents
  • Return to Paris

    Return to Paris
    When he was only 13,he clamed the attention of Roger de Lorraine, chevalier de Guise.
    He was 14 when he entered to Mademoiselle's service.
    He served there for a few years
  • Playing for Louis XIV

    Playing for Louis XIV
    He started working for one of the most known kings in France's history as dancer and composer
    By March 16, 1653, Lully had been made royal composer for instrumental music. His vocal and instrumental music for kings gradually made him indispensable
  • Violin's Orchestra Director

    Violin's Orchestra Director
    Louis XIV made him the director of his personal orchestra,which was named ''The Little Violins''.,which proved Louis XIV really liked him
  • French Naturalization

    French Naturalization
    When Louis XIV tbecame king in1661, he named Lully superintendent of the royal music and music master of the royal family. In December 1661 the Florentine was granted letters naturalization.So,he became French oficially
  • The Great Violins

    The Great Violins
    After becoming director of ''The Little Violins'' in 1953,he started controlling ''The Great Violins'' after becoming ''surintendant de la musique de la chambre du roi ''
  • Colaboration with Molière

    Colaboration with Molière
    His collaboration with playwright Molière began in 1661 when Lully and Pierre Beauchamp worked on the music and dancing for Les Fâcheux, first performed for Nicolas Fouquet at his sumptuous chateau of Vaux-le-Vicomte.
  • Marriage

    Several months after becoming French ,he married to the singer and composer Michel Lambert in.He changed his name oficially to Jean-Baptiste Lully
  • Académie Royale de Musique

    Académie Royale de Musique
    Lully became the director of the Académie Royale de Musique, that is, the royal opera, which performed in the Palais-Royal.
    He became the director after breaking with Molière.
  • Lully and Molière separation

    Lully and Molière separation
    In 1672 Lully broke with Molière because Molière started to produce music with another musicians.
  • King's secretary

    King's secretary
    This was the most important moment in his life,the top of his career.He continued to be the director of the orchestra and also occupating this position until 1687
  • Last years

    Last years
    Between 1673 and 1687 he produced a new opera almost yearly.
    These were his last yeaars as opera and ballet composer
  • Lully's Death

    Lully's Death
    Jean-Baptiste Lully died in March of 1687.
    He was maybe the most importan French Baroque composer.Therefore ,he worked as king's secretary and composer.
    He died due to gangrene from a injury