Jane Goodal

By jrr7pt
  • Jan Goodal arrives in Gombe

    Jane Goodal and her mother get to the Chimpazine reserve in Tanzania
  • Jane discover that Chimpazenes eat meat

    Chimpazines have been assumed vegetarian, but then Jane Goodal found the chimpazines eating a bushpig, and she also abserved the hunting process which was they attacked and then killed.
  • Chimpazines make tools

    Jane observes and sees two chimpazines making tools to extract termites from their mound
  • Jane Becomes an activist

    Jane Goodal attends her first Understanding Chimpazeene Confrence which then led for her to become an activist
  • Roots and shoots are founded

    Roots and shoots are founded to create pratical solutions to big challenges in the hands of the young people
  • Jane Goodal Instituite Tchimpouga Sancuatry was founded

    It was to provide a home for the chimpazeenes Orphaned by the ilegal commercial of pet trades, this now has over 150 chimpazeens
  • JGI begins leveraging science in conservation work

    it is a conservation science program that provides the platform to generate actionable information so it can improve conservation descion making
  • Jane is named a UN Messenger of Peace

    Kofi-Annan gave the award To jane goodal for the Highest honor of the United Nations for global Citizens for her work to create a more peaceful world through roots and shoes

    Focused on the landscape surrounding Gombe Stream National Park, the plan seeks to bring together local communities, public officials and NGOs alike to share the work of protecting the wider ecosystem and reestablishing degraded habitats