james cooks life

  • James Cook was born

    James Cook was born
    james cook was born in cleveland
  • Cook returned to England and married Elizabeth Batts

    James and Elizabeth were married 17 years bbut only spent 4 of those years together because of his traveling
  • First Voyage

    whe james was on his voyages he invented powdered soup to keep his crew halthy when they had no food
  • James second voyage

    James second voyage
    James succed in all his voyages with discovering new things like islands. Like he discoverd lots of islamds in America
  • James and his crew were the first ones to cross the Antartic circle

    Captin Cook were so happy when they crossed the cirlce because he also wanted to go further then anyone else.
  • James set out for his third voyage

    James on his voyages were very tough because of the weather. It was so cold that two crew members froze to death.
  • Cooks death

    Cook died because a mob killed him in hawii as he was keeping there local cheif hostage so that the natives would return back a boat that they stole