
James Bowie

  • Jim Bowie's Birth

    Jim Bowie's Birth
    Jim Bowie was born on April 10, 1796. He was born in Logan County, Kentucky. His parents were Rezin and Elvy Bowie.
  • Bowie Gets His Kinife

    Bowie Gets His Kinife
    Bowie had many enemies. One of them was Norris Wright, a banker and sheriff. In 1826 (Year unknown) Wright and Bowie was in a heated argument, which led to Wright firing at bowie with a point-blank shot. The shot missed. This event led to Bowie recieving the "Bowie" knife from his brother, Rezin. This knife was invented by Rezin Bowie and had a 9.5 inch blade and was widely feared.
  • The Sandbar Fight

    The Sandbar Fight
    The Sandbar Fight started at a duel between Samuel Levi Wells III and Thomas Maddox. Neither participant was injured but seconds carried on the fight. Bowie was stabbed twice and shot four times. He killed his rival Norris Wright, who also stabbed him with a ssword cane, during this encounter. This event boosted Bowie's reputation, and set him as the best knife fighter in the South.
  • Bowie Arrives in Texas

    Bowie Arrives in Texas
    Sometime in early 1830 bowie arrived in Texas. He continued through Texas and swore allegiance to Mexico. He got affiliated with the Veramendi family and marrieed Ursala Veramendi. This and a career as a land speculator boosted his wealth.
  • Bowie Fights Off an Indian

    Bowie Fights Off an Indian
    In a search for a lost silver mine, Bowie discovered his small party was being followed by a large Indian war party. Most of Bowie's group barley escaped with their lives but they caused around 70 casualities. This fight further solidified his fame as a formidable frontiersman.
  • Battle of Nacogdoches

    Battle of Nacogdoches
    The battle began when colonists disobeyed an order from a Mexican commander. The rebels drove the Mexican soldiers out of the city, then Bowie and 16 others chased the Mexican troops and took them prisoner. Bowie then tooked the prisoners to San Antonia. This was an important kick-starter for the War for Texan Independence, and helped cement Bowie's involvement in that war.
  • Bowie's Wife Ursula Veramendi Dies

    Bowie's Wife Ursula Veramendi Dies
    Ursula and several relatives died due to a cholera outbreak. One of the victims was Bowie's child. Bowie was not with them at the time as he was also ill in Natchez. Since he had no one to give his estate to he gave half of his estate to his brother and the other half to his sister.
  • Battle of Concepion and the Assault on San Antonio

    Battle of Concepion and the Assault on San Antonio
    Jim Bowie, Sterphen Austin, James Fannin and their armies layed siege to San Antonio. They holled up in the Concepion mission, which was just outside the city. The Mexicans attacked, and Bowie's men devastated them with their rifles. THey also picked off the Mexican artillery soldiers. These actions further solidified his position as a hero in the War for Texan Independence.
  • Bowie's Arrival at the Alamo

    Bowie's Arrival at the Alamo
    Bowie arrived at the Alamo with orders to destroy its fortications. Bowie disobeyed orders and helped the commander there get supplies and build defenses. While in Bexar, he paraded his men through the streets and did other questionable things.
  • The Battle of the Alamo

    The Battle of the Alamo
    After 13 days of siege the Mexicans attacked the Alamo. The defenders were able to beat back the first three waves of assailants, but finally fell to the third assault. Once inside the walls, the Mexican soldiers soldiers slaughtered all inside. Although Bowie died with the rest, he was not among the defenders on the wall. He had collapsded earlier to an unknown disease, probably tuberculosis or pneumonia.