Jacklyn's Cold War Timeline

  • Yalta Conference

    February 4- 11, 1945. Took place in Russia. Big 3 met to discuss the future of Germany and post war. This conference led into the Cold War beczause of disputes between Roosevelt and the Soviet Union.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Took place in Berlin. June 15- May 12, 1949. These flights were full of supplies and landed in West Berlin every 30 secs. Soviet authorities closed a highway connecting Berlin and Germany for the Berlin Blockade.
  • NATO Formed

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Took place in Washington, DC.It is an intergovernmental military alliance,
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    The Korean War

    S. AND N. Korea split at the 38th parallel. First military action of the Cold War. Took place in Korea.
  • The Geneva Accords

    Representatives come together to discuss several problems relating to Asia. Took place in Geneva.
  • Warsaw Pact Signed

    Signed in Warsaw. 1955- 1991. Soviet and 7 European countries sign a treaty that states a mutual defense organization that puts Soviet Union in command of all armed forces of the members.
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    The Vietnam War

    Decomcratic/ U,S South vs Communist Vietcong North Vietnam. Split at 18th parallel.
  • Launch of Sputnik

    October 4, 1957- Jan 31, 1958. Puts Soviet Union and America in competition. Launched in USSR.
  • Berlin Crisis

    Nov 10 1958- 1961. Division of Germany's capital Berlin to East and West. Despite post WWII agreements, GB and France pull forces out because Krushchev demanded power. Took place in Berlin Germany
  • Bay of Pigs

    Fidel Castro overthrow in power. Took place in Havana. Jan 1 1959- April 1961. Threat to America.
  • U-2 Incident

    USSR shot down an American spy plane. May 1960. Rose tentions between USSR and U.S. during Cold War. Shot down in Soviet air space.
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    East and West Berlin blockade wall falls. Wall was built and it split the capital of Germany, Berlin. Took place in Berlin.
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    The Berlin Wall

  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    President JFK and Khrushchev agreement about Cuban missiles being so close to US and NATO missiles in Turkey. Closest the world got to a nuclear war.
  • Moscow- Washington Hotline Created

    Hotline created between 2 leaders to make discussion easier. JFK and Kremlin. To help reduce risk of war.
  • JFK Assasination

    JFK assassinated while driving before polls of re-election. Dallas, Texas. Created tentions btwn Soviet and US.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    President Johnson could take any measures to retaliate but not commission a war. Vietnam War. Benefit to US.
  • Tet Offensive

    Vietnamese New Year. Vietcong surprise attack on 100 south Vietnamese cities and US air bases. Beginning of withdrawal of American from Vietnam. Jan 31 in Vietnam.
  • Apollo 11 Moon Landing

    Armstrong. Took place in space. Armstrong in Apollo land on moon. Huge step for mankind.
  • Richard Nixon visits China

    Nixon visits China to improve relations with Communist China. Bejing, China.
  • SALT II Signed

    Carter and Brezhnev sign the SALT II Treaty dealing with limits and guidlines for nuclear weapons. Took place in Vienna.
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    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

    Part of Cold War. Soviet Union invades Afghanistan.
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    Invasion of Grenada

    U.S. vs Cuba. U.S invades Grenada. U.S victory.
  • Mikhail Gorbachev Election

    Mikhail elected president of Soviet Union. -December 1991. Soviet Union.
  • The Soviet Union Collapses

    Christmas Day in the Soviet Union Moscow. President Kremlin falls. 11 soviet republics announce they will no longer be apart of the Soviet Union.