Jack mcbrayer

Jack McBaryer

By Erica6E
  • He was born: May 27th,1973

    This is the day Jack McBrayer was born.
  • Event: That he does a lot of permerters and is a comdiain.

    That he shows up in a lot of show, sieries, and or corse comitary. As well as kids funny, cartoons and other amazing things for comidy as well.
  • Random fact: Jack McBrayer is 5'10 in hight. Super tall!

    That he is really tall and I thought it would be a interesting Fun and Random fact.
  • Collage: He graduated from the univerity of Evanville in Indiana.

    This was the collage he graduated from and got his degree in.
  • Awards: He won many connisting of screen actors guild award also for outstanding performance by an ensemble in a sieries.

    He's won many awards for outstanding performances and other things too!
  • Upcoming apperence: He will be seen on the new movie coming out " Smurfs,The Lost Village"

    This is the current movie he will be going to be on as right now.
  • Personality and Job: He is a Comedy Central person/ actor and funny person too.

    He is a funny, nice and good guy to be around. He is a actor and is see in many comedy central shows and many more things and places.
  • Facts about him:

    That Jack McBrayer is age 43 years old and has been on lots of kids and adults shows. He's a comedian who as yes, walk the red carpet a few times before and has various awards, and upcoming movies and other things he is going to be in and has already been on. He is famous or known for being a very funny and c=kind person and a comedy actor.
  • Jack McBrayer is Alive: He has not dead yet and has many more journeys this world can give him.

    He is not dead yet and is still alive.