Iranian Revolution

  • The Shah re-takes power

  • Period: to

    Iranian Revolution

  • Shah begins modernization

  • The Shah declares Martial Law

  • Students protesting in liquor store are attacked

  • Increase in Steel Mills--Rapid Industrialization

  • Shah censors books

  • New laws for women's rights

  • Birth of the Author

    Marjane Satrapi was born
  • Cinema burning

  • Marjane demonstrates against social class restrictions

  • Police shoot protestors in Qom

  • The Shah's politcal prisoners are released

  • The Ayatollah returns

  • Iran takes American Embassy hostage

  • Carter presses for Human rights

  • Bilingual schools are closed

  • The Iranian black market emerges; Marjane is a buyer

  • Iran becomes "Islamic Republic of Iran"

  • Sadaam Hussein begins Iran/Iraq War

  • Marjane and Family go on vacation

  • Iranian president elected

  • Shah dies

  • President is impeached

  • Parents travel to Turkey

  • Marjane kicked out of school

  • The Border is Re-opened

  • Marjane leaves for Vienna