Innovations of the Computer

  • First Electronic Comuter Invented

    First Electronic Comuter Invented
    The first electronic general purpose computer is invented. It is called ENIAC or Electronic Numerical Intragator and Computer. It was used for solving large math problems. It filled a 20 foot by 40 foot room.
  • Integrated Circuts

    Integrated Circuts
    Invented by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce. It is also refered to as an IC, a chip, or a microchip. Are compact, can be about the size of a finger nail. Made computers be able to be smaller.
  • PCs

    Personal copmuters or "PC" was developed in 1962. It was launched in 1964 at the New York World's Fair. But volume production did not start until 1965. The PC was sold for $3,200.
  • Internet Introduced to Public

    Internet Introduced to Public
    Commercial internet providers began poping up. It was available the few poeple who has personal computers. It was fully commercialized by 1995. It continued to grow and grow in to what it is today.
  • First iPhone realeased.

    First iPhone realeased.
    The first iPhone was released by Apple. The phone has the abilities of a computer and a phone in one compact device. The memory options were 4GB, 8GB, or 16GB. There were 6.1 million sold and was discontinued on July 15, 2008.