Industrial Revolution Timeline

  • George Stephenson

    He was a British civil engineer and and mechanical engineer. He was renowned as the “Father of Railways”. He designed a miner’s safety lamp and was accused of stealing someone else’s idea for the lamp. He was hired to build the Herron Railway which was the first railway opened that didn’t use animal power.
  • Henry Bessemer

    He was and English inventor whose steal making process was the most important technique for making steel for almost 100 years. His design made steel cheaper to and quicker to manufacture. He also made over 100 other inventions in the fields of iron, steel, and glass. Also he played a significant role in establishing the town of Sheffield.
  • Alfred Nobel

    He was a Swedish businessman, chemist, engineer, inventor, and philanthropist. The synthetic element nobelium (102) was named after him. He held 355 different patents. He invented dynamite. When he found out that his technology was being used to kill people he started the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • Guglielmo Marconi