Industrial revolution inventions

  • Cottongin

    Eli whitney invented the cottongin to remove seeds from cotton faster
  • Battery

    Alessandro Volta creates the first battery
  • Steamboat

    robert fulton invented the first paddle steam powerd boat
  • Eletromagnetic induction

    Michael Faraday makes the first eletromagnetic induction
  • Single wire telegraph system

    Samuel Morse invents the first single wire telegraph system also created morse code
  • Process of photography

    Louis Dagurrre makes first process of photography
  • telephone

    Alexander Graham Bell makes the first telephone using multi telegraph wire
  • Lightbulb

    Thomas Edison creates the lightbulb taking place of the candel that was used to light homes
  • Alternating current

    Nikola Tesla createds AC
  • Diesel engine

    Rudolf diesel invented the first diseal engine
  • assembly line

    Henry ford made the first assembly line which could make things quicker and he started the ford car company
  • airplane

    oliver and wilbur wright invent the first airplane and also fly the first airplane every