
Industrial Revolution

  • The Birth of Alexander Graham Bell

    The Birth of Alexander Graham Bell
    Baby BellBell was born in Edinburgh,Scotland to Eliza Grace Symonds and Alexander Melville Bell. Bell was born of Scottish descent.
  • Teaching The Deaf

    Teaching The Deaf
    Hearing Aid Susanna Hull's School for deaf children located in London.
    Bell'm mom was deaf and his dad helped deaf people learn how to visibaly speak.
  • Bell vs. Gray

    Bell vs. Gray
    PatentTelephone vs ElevatorAfter Both Gray and Bell filed for copyright with the U.S. Patent Office. There was a fight over who would get the first one which was later on given to Bell.
  • The invention of the telephone.

    The invention of the telephone.
    On March 7,1876 Alexander Graha Bell invented the Telephone.
  • Human speech is heeard for the first time.

    Human speech is heeard for the first time.
    THe first time Bell tested to see if the phone works he said "Mr. Wastson come here i want to see you".
  • Bell Presents invention to higher authority.

    Bell Presents invention to higher authority.
    First TelephoneBell showed Sir William Thomason and The emperor of Brazil Pedro the 2nd in philidelphia at the Centennial Exhibition, wjo were impressed by the invention.
  • Western Union

    Western Union
    Nation Bell Telephone Company and Western unuion settled an agreement wwhich caused them to make but by the end of 1876 Bell and Officals selled Western Union for $100,000.
  • Tour

    Watson & Bell Travel to the northeast showing their invention with successful result.
  • Alexander Shows Quenn Victoria the telephone

    Alexander Shows Quenn Victoria the telephone
    Queen VictoriaAt Osborne House of on the Ise of Wright she described the expirence as "most extradionary". that she rcorded in her journal later on through those days.
  • National Bell Telephone Company

    National Bell Telephone Company
    Bell+ CompaniesThe New England Telephone Company joins with the Bell Telephone Company and after they are called the National Bell Telephone Company.
  • The Bell Telephone Company

    The Bell Telephone Company
  • American Citizen

    American Citizen
    American Citizenship
    Alexander Graham Bell is granted American citizenship.
  • Formal Opening

    Formal Opening
    href='http:// thomaswatsonsanfranci&ei=2O4KVa33HoTmoAS3IH4Dg&psig=AFQjCNEZKQ2WtLADNgP-KpN5EneG9GLm-w&ust=1426866264043902' >Meeting</a>
    Bell has a huge gathering with the long distance connection between Chicago and New York.
  • Bell's Death

    Bell's Death
    AGB Tombstone Bell Dies in Novia Scotia at th age of 75 from complication of diabetes. In the United States was turned off during his funeral in his honor.
  • AT&T

    AT&TToday The Bell Telephone Company in 187 Is now known as AT&T