
Imre Laktos (1922-1974)

By cfier
  • Imre was born (1922)

    Imre was born (1922)
    Was a Hungarian Philosopher that was born in, Debrecen Hungary.
  • Completed Education

    Completed Education
    He completed his degree at the University of Debrecen in 1944, graduating in mathematics, physics and philosophy.
  • Ministry of education

    Ministry of education
    He was as an active communist during World War II and took up work in the Hungarian Ministry of Education as a senior official
  • Further Education

    He received his PhD from Debrecen University in 1948.
  • Furthers academic range

    He studied briefly at the Moscow State University under Sofya Yanovskaya.
  • Arrested

    He didn’t agree to follow Russian orders without a valid reason and hence, was arrested on charges of revisionism and imprisoned for three years at a Stalinist prison.
  • Released

    He resumed his studies upon his release and took up mathematical research, wherein he started translating mathematics books into Hungarian
  • Moved to london and got a job

    Moved to london and got a job
    he was hired at the London School of Economics as an assistant lecturer in the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method, where he wrote extensively on the philosophy of science and philosophy of mathematics.
  • Makes thesis Essays

    While studying at Cambridge, he compiled a doctoral thesis Essays in the Logic of Mathematical Discovery, which was published in four parts as Proofs and Refutations in Journal for the Philosophy of Science in 1963
  • His untimely death in (1974)

    His untimely death in (1974)
    He taught at LSE for 14 years and served as the editor of the journal 'The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science’ from 1971, till his sudden death in 1974. He died unexpectedly on February 2, 1974, after suffering a heart attack, at the age of 51