
Important Events in Steven Spielberg's Life

  • Birth

    Steven Spielberg was born on this date.
  • Started Filming

    After his father had recieved a video camera as a gift, Steven started his new hobby of filmmaking.
  • First Awarded Amatuer Film

    First Awarded Amatuer Film
    Steven's first awarded amatuer film was "Escape To Nowhere". This caused him to realize that he wanted to be a director.
  • Discovered his mentor

    During the summer Steven got an unpaying job at Universal Studios through his mentor Chuck Silvers.
  • Filmed the Movie That Would Land His Career as a Director

    After shooting " Amblin' ", Steven got offered a contract to work at Universal Studios as a director.
  • Period: to

    Making Proffesional Movies For a Career

    Steven Spielberg was and still is directing movies because it is what he loves to do.
  • E.T Was Filmed

    E.T Was Filmed
    The story about an alien trying to phone home was brought to life in the movie E.T.
  • Poltergiest Was Filmed

    Poltergiest Was Filmed
    The scary story of a little girl being taken by ghosts was fantasically done by Tobe Hooper and Steve Spielberg.
  • Scindler's List Was Filmed

    Scindler's List Was Filmed
    Steven Spielberg brings his jewish heritage into this movie about Schindler savingthe jews during the Holocaust.
  • Parents divorced

    Due to opposite opinions on life.