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Important Events in Madeleine Sophie Barat's Life

  • Madeleine Sophie's Birth

    Madeleine Sophie is born prematurely as a result of the chaos a nearby fire caused
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    Early on, Madeleine Sophie was taught by her Godfather Louis.
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    Madeleine's time in Paris

    Madeleine Sophie went to Paris for five years to live a life of prayer and study as well as catechising the children of the Marais quarter
  • Meeting Priest Varin

    Louis met Priest Varin and introduced him to Madeleine Sophie. Varin was looking for someone to help him to start the Religious Society of Women Educators dedicated to the Sacred Heart.
  • Madeleine Joins RSCJ

    Varin convinced Madeleine Sophie to join him.
  • First School Opening

    First school opened in Amiens. Mademoiselle Lequet was first principal but as she was unsatisfactory, Varin appointed Madeleine Sophie as principal, but after a year she had to resign so she could work on other society duties
  • Madeleine Sophie Elected as Superior General

    Madeleine Sophie was elected as Superior General, a position she stayed in for the rest of her life.
  • Mother House Announcement

    Madeleine Sophie let everyone that the new mother house was to be in Paris
  • Madeleine Sophie's Death

    Madeleine Sophie passed away at the age of 85 at Hotel Biron in Paris.
  • Beatification

    Madeleine Sophie was beatified by Pope Pius X
  • Canonization

    Madeleine Sophie was canonized by Pope Pius XI
  • Returned to Paris

    Her body was returned to Paris where it lies in a glass coffin on the opposite side of the road from the place of her death.