Immigration Policy

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    Irish, German, UK immigration

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    nearly 40% of total immigration since 1820

  • Chinese Exclusion Act

  • 334,000 immigrants entered the US

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    Peak Decade

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    Italy, Austria were immigrating the most

  • Literary test as an entrance requirement for immigrants post WW1

  • National Origins Act

  • Displaced persons act

    allowed for the admission of more than 400,000 refugees left homeless by WW1
  • Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952

    slightly relaxed restrictions against Asian immigrants
  • Wave of Cuban refugees

    upwards 700,000 when Fidel Castro came to power
  • Immigration and Nationality act of 1965

    priority was placed on reuniting families and attracting highly skilled professionals.
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    US's Largest Immigration numbers in half a century

  • 1980s peak

    surpassed peak of 1901-1910
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    Mexico immigrating the most to the US

  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Penalties for employers who knowingly hired illegal immigrants
  • Immigration Act of 1990

    raised the limit on annual admissions from 290,000 to 675,000
  • Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act

    rejecting asylum claims and deporting illegal immigrants
  • 9/11

    terrorist attacks to the United States. Led to further scrutiny of immigrants, more restrictions and deportations