Immigration Legislature

  • Alien Friends Act

    It allowed the President to deport anyone he considered suspicious or dangerous. If the "alien" stayed, they would be put in jail for three years and never be allowed to become a US citizen. He could also issue a temporary residency to an immigrant.
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Prohibited Chinese from coming into the United States. Those who brought Chinese in anyway faced punishment. American ships cannot have Chinese people on them and could not let them step onto American soil. All Chinese laborers that came after November 17, 1880 were deported. Those who were here before that were allowed to stay.
  • Geary Act

    This act extended the Chinese Exclusion Act for 10 more years. It also required the Chinese to carry identification papers. The Chinese Exclusion Act prohibited Chinese Laborers from coming into the country. If people ignored this and continued to bring the Chinese into the US, they would be punished.
  • Act on Alien Spouses and Children

    This act allowed foreign spouses and unmarried children of US Armed Forces members to be brought into the country. These people were allowed visas and did not count towards the overall total.
  • Real ID Act

    This act made security more strict for immigration. The following things were put into effect: national standards for driver's liscense and non-driver identification cards, definition of terrorist activity and terrorist groups were expanded, criteria for asylum eligibility was changed, judicial review of some immigrants were limited, authority to build barriers along the border was expanded, and an aviation screening data base was established.