Immigration issues from US and Arizona

By Jessz
  • Congress creates a rule that says: "any free white person could apply for citizenship after two years of residency."

    Congress creates a rule that says: "any free white person could apply for citizenship after two years of residency."
    allowed some one to apply for citizenship if they were white, contained good behavior, and lived in the US for two years.
  • Contract Labor Law

    Contract Labor Law
    Allowed recruiting of foeign labor with the intent of encouraging immigration.
  • Mexican Revolution

    Mexican Revolution
    The Mexican Revolution begins. This creates a huge rush of illegal immigrants as they flee across the border in search of safety into America.
  • Mounted inspectors

    Mounted inspectors
    The US goverment issues an authoraization for "mounted inspectors" along the US-Mexico border. The first real movement towards border control.
  • Immigration Act of 1924

    Immigration Act of 1924
    lthis established Border Patrol to combat smuggling and illegal immigration. Additional border stations were established to formally admit workers from Mexico.
  • Immigration Act

    Immigration Act
    Provided legal legitmacy to allow inspections and deportations of immigrants.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    Immigration Reform and Control Act
    Provided amnesty for many illegal aliens and sanctions for employers hiring illegals.
  • Non-immigrant registered nurses

    Non-immigrant registered nurses
    This made nurses who lived in the US for at least three years and met stanards eligable for certification.
  • 7% of all US citizens, were foreign born

    7% of all US citizens, were foreign born
    Rapid growth between 1980-2000 grew immensely. and then began to slow down within the past two decades/
  • USA Patriot Act

    USA Patriot Act
    ammended the immigration and nationality act to broaden the scope of aliens inelgible for admission or deportable due to terrorist activities.
  • Terrorist Attack

    Terrorist Attack
    A terrorist attack by the Al-Queda terrorist group. This act of terrorism changed America's views on foreign involvement throughtout every aspect in the Nation. Which in return, negatively impacted immigration prosperity
  • Minutemen

    This anti-immigrant group in Arizona made up of volunteers patroled the border.
  • Minutemen begin

    Minutemen begin
    The group finally starts reporting unauthorized crossings to the U.s. Border Patrol along with any other alarming illegal activities. And use this as a resourceful tool when trying to eliminate illegal immigration
  • SB 1070

    SB 1070
    a legistlation that creates a serious awareness towards anyone harboring or hiring undocument immigrants and gives local police unprecedented powers.
  • 16.7% of the USA is hispanic

    16.7% of the USA is hispanic
    There are nearly 51 million people that are hispanic immigrated citizens. This ethnic group is projected to be more than 30% of the projected population of the country.