Immigration in the United States

By gschnie
  • Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

    Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
    Fearing an increase in Chinese immigration, this act was created to stem the tide of Chinese immigration by allowing only 105 Chinese immigrants per year.
    It was repealed in 1943.
  • Ellis Island opens

    Ellis Island opens
  • Angel Island Immigration Station opens

    Angel Island Immigration Station opens
  • Emergency Immigration Act of 1921

    Emergency Immigration Act of 1921
    Fearing an onslaught of immigrants, this act established maximum annual quotas for immigrants.
  • Johnson-Reed Act of 1924

    Johnson-Reed Act of 1924
    Refining the Emergency Immigration Act of 1921, this act set tighter limits and smaller quotas.
  • US Boarder Patrol Formed

    US Boarder Patrol Formed
  • Period: to

    Mexican Repatriation

    Mass deportations of Mexican immigrants, authorized by President Herbert Hoover.
  • McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950

    McCarran Internal Security Act of 1950
    This act created what is today know as "the green card"
  • McCarran-Walter Act

    McCarran-Walter Act
    This act served to unify US immigration law by bringing together all of the different laws around the country. It is still the basisi of the current immigration laws today.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

    Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986
    The 1986 Act legalized many immigrants currently in the US, and allowed illegal immigrants to legally work some farming jobs.
  • Prop 203 Anti-Bilingual Act

    Prop 203 Anti-Bilingual Act
  • USA Patriot Act

    USA Patriot Act
    The Patriot Act was created as a response to the 9/11 attacks. Many believe it goes completely against the philosophy of our country and fore-fathers.
  • Secure Fence Act

    Secure Fence Act
    Act began the construction of over 700 miles of fence between the US and Mexico
  • Arizona SB 1070

    Arizona SB 1070
    Sweeping legislation passed in Arizona with respect to immigration laws. It was a political highlight across the United States.