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Immigration in Arizona

  • Period: to

    The Changes of Immigration into Arizona

  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Brought Americans to the West for the first time
  • Immigration Act of 1882

    Immigration Act of 1882
    All immigrants have to pay a fee when they enter the United States.
  • Immigration Act of 1917

    Immigration Act of 1917
    This act stated that to enter the US an individual must be able to read.
  • Alien Registration Act

    Alien Registration Act
    This act stated that all aliens needed a green card to be registered.
  • Bracero Program

    This program gave jobs to Mexican farmers in the United States for an extended period of 22 years.
  • Increase in Immigration due to NAFTA

    Increase in Immigration due to NAFTA
    Shortly after the passage of NAFTA, Mexican corn and coffee farmers immigrated in quickly increasing numbers to Arizona.
  • Illegal Immigrant Reform

    Permitted South Americans to become citizens in the US.
  • Immigrant Responsibility Reform

    This reform allowed Central Americans to enter the US.
  • George W Bush Proposed Undocumented Rights

    George W Bush Proposed Undocumented Rights
    George W Bush began his presidency with proposing to open up employment rights for undocumented immigrants. This resulted in anger from the conservative party that he belonged to.
  • Minutemen Project

    A recruitment began of civilians in Arizona to patrol the Mexican border for illegal immigrants.
  • Secure Fence Act

    This act authorized the extension of the fences along the US- Mexican border.
  • SB1070 begins

    SB1070 begins
    Jan Brewer signs SB 1070
  • Obama says no to 1070

    Obama says no to 1070
    The Obama administration attempts to sue Arizona for the proposed law, stating that immigration is to be dealt with on a national basis, not just within a single state.
  • Supreme Court ruling of 1070

    Supreme Court ruling of 1070
    The Supreme Court accepts certain aspects of the proposed SB 1070, but deems 3 of the major aspects as "unconstitutional".