Immigration effects to the world

  • Irish potato famine

    Irish potato famine
    leaving the irsih with no food they immigranted to the united states
  • Immigration begins

    Immigration begins
    In the late 1800s, people in many parts of the world decided to leave their homes and immigrate to the United States to flee there bad economic failures
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act

    The Chinese Exclusion Act
    inese Exclusion Act prohibited certain laborers from immigrating to the United States. They were also unfairly taxed.
  • 1885 Contract Labor Law

    1885 Contract Labor Law
    An act to prohibit the importation and migration of foreigners and aliens under contract or agreement to perform labor in the United States, its territories, and the District of Columbia
  • Immigration center created

    Immigration center created
    at attempt to contain immigrants a center was createed
  • Job deppression

    Job deppression
    he Panic of 1893 led to a four year economic depression with 20% job failure