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  • Mayflower

    The Mayflower carried the first group of Pilgrims to North America in 1620. They were on their way to Virginia, where the colonist had permission to settle. Unfortunately, due to harsh weather conditions the ship failed to stay on course and ended up in what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts.
  • Articles of confederation

    Articles of confederation
    A temporary solution to government before the constitution was formed. This defined who was an immigrant and who was a U.S. citizen.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Articles_of_Confederation
  • First Great Wave

    First Great Wave
    The start of the great wave immigration to the United States. Over ten million immigrants arrive, mostly; British, Irish, and German. Many of them settled in the rural Midwest.http://www.unc.edu/~perreira/198timeline.html
  • Homestead act

    Homestead act
    The U.S. congress offered an opportunity for immigrants and citizens to buy land for $1.25 per acre or less. This law attracted people to settle in the Midwest and West. When the low cost of acres was announced people came from the East and Europe, thus meaning it increased the number of people migrating westward.http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=true&doc=31
  • Transcontinental railroad

    Transcontinental railroad
    The transcontinental railroad stretched from San Francisco to Omaha and it allowed continuous travel by railroad from coast to coast. The transcontinental railroad also allowed people to immigrate to Mexico. The Central Pacific hired the Chinese laborers and the Irish laborers were hired by the Union Pacific to build the railroad.http://www.tcrr.com/
  • Chinese exclusion act

    Chinese exclusion act
    The act didn’t include the skilled and unskilled Chinese laborers working in the mining industry from entering into the U.S. for ten years under penalty or imprisonment and deportation. Only a few of the non-laborers that wished to immigrate could only due so if they had permission from the Chinese government, that was very difficult to obtain.http://sun.menloschool.org/~mbrody/ushistory/angel/exclusion_act/
  • Ellis Island Ope

    Ellis Island Ope
    Ellis Island is where the statue of liberty monument stands. Over twelve million immigrants have passed through Ellis Island in 1892 to 1954 to get into the United States. The European Immigrants who had traveled by boat hoped they would finally start their new life in the United States. This island was used for inspecting the immigrants of and diseases or illnesses they have before the cross over to the U.S. Each Immigrant was also documented.http://www.history.com/topics/ellis-island
  • Supreme Court Case U.S. vs. Wong Kim Ark -March 18 1898

    Supreme Court Case U.S. vs. Wong Kim Ark -March 18 1898
    Based on the 14th amendment, the Supreme Court helped define citizenship, it wasn’t just given to people by birth before their case. The 14th Amendment gave the Supreme Court the decision that all people born in the United States will be granted citizenship. With this gave came first generation immigrants to become citizens.http://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/historics/USSC_CR_0169_0649_ZS.html
  • Angel Island Opens- 1910

    Angel Island Opens- 1910
    Angel Island was an island that would allow the Asian immigrants to come to the United States through California. This island was similar to Ellis Island; they were also inspected for diseases and documented in to the United States.http://www.english.illinois.edu/maps/poets/a_f/angel/about.htm
  • Mexican revolution- November 20 1910

    Mexican revolution- November 20 1910
    The Mexican Revolution happened about ten years ago. It started when disagreements between a government dictator and plantain farmers. Many Mexican civilians crossed the border and immigrated to the United States to escape from the violence and fighting.http://www.ic.arizona.edu/ic/mcbride/ws200/mex-davi.htm
  • Border Patrol Established -May 28 1924

    Border Patrol Established -May 28 1924
    The labor Appropriation Act was passed by congress in 1924, which led to the establishment of border patrol. Border patrol was to patrol the Mexican and the United States borders. After a few years this also expanded to the Pacific Coast.http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/border_security/border_patrol/border_patrol_ohs/history.xml
  • California proposition 187 – November 8 1994

    California proposition 187 – November 8 1994
    The pass of proposition 187 in 1994 by California denied the public benefits to any illegal immigrants. The proposition brought up major controversy in the United States. The public benefits immigrants would loose came from schools. Fortunately, this proposition was determined unconstitutional.
  • Immigrant Children can stay-

    Immigrant Children can stay-
    Many illegal immigrants were brought into the United States at a young age by their parents. President Obama has passed a policy that allows these young immigrants, who have been raised in the United States, the ability to stay without fear of deportation. Before this policy, those immigrants would have been deported immediately.
  • Arizona Propsition 1070

    Arizona Propsition 1070
    The state of Arizona passes proposition 1070. This proposition causes a great amount of controversy in the Supreme Court. This proposition requires a person’s immigration status upon request to be checked with the government. If they were found here illegally they are to be deported immediately.
  • Supreme Court uphold Arizona law of 2010

    Supreme Court uphold Arizona law of 2010
    After a few years of deliberation, the Supreme Court decided to uphold the state of Arizona’s proposition 1070. With that decision, it is noticeable that the current views on immigration are similar to the views the country had during the time when the Articles of Confederation were drawn up.