First bell telephone

If the telephone what's invented

  • Alexander Bell Dies

    Alexander Bell Dies
    Alexander Graham Bell gets sick with tuberculosis. This was no surprise to his family because bother his brothers died from the same sickest. Over the course of a few weeks Bell was dies from the sickness
  • Alexander Fails

    Alexander Fails
    After Alexander dies he leaves his project to Elisha Gray. Elisha is his most trusted college and he decides that it would be best for him to take over. Elisha then takes the telephone and begins to work on transmitting the sound.
  • The invention works

    The invention works
    Elisha finally comes up with a final product of the first telephone.
  • Sold at Last

    Sold at Last
    Elisha instauled his fist telephone in Wisconsin when Appleton banker Alfred Galpin ran a line from his home to his bank. This cause a dominoe afect to take place in which the whole world wanted a telephone insauled in their own homes.
  • Buisness Sky Rockets

    Buisness Sky Rockets
    Thanks to how great the telephone is doing in marketing Elisha’s company (Western Electric) becomes a mass producer of the telephone. This causes them to make thousands of dollars and their business skyrockets.
  • Elisha beome a hero

    Elisha decided to show off his new invention in doing so he took his telephone to Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, in 1876. Elisha showed the telephone to the Emperor of Brazil, Dom Pedro II, "My God, it talks!" he said. More and more people became interested in the new telephone.
  • The Award

    He then went on to invent more things. For example he invenete what is equilalent to the modern day fax machine.
  • Law Suits

    Elisha so successful that people became jealous. Over the course of a few years Elisha wen through about 500 law suites.
  • In the Magisize

    Elisha later was writing about in the Scientific Magazine. This was a huge deal for him and he was extremely prideful.
  • Death

    Elishe died a peaceful death. He died of old age with his wife at his side.