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Thomas Kuhn

  • Kuhn date of birth

    Kuhn date of birth
    Thomas Samuel Kuhn was born on July 7th, 1922, he was born in Cincinnati, Ohio US. He was well known for being a philosopher of science and making his well known book the structure of the scientific revolution.
  • Attending school

    Attending school
    Kuhn’s attending the University of Harvard from 1943-1956. He received his bachelors degree in physics and went for his masters and PhD in physics as well from 1946-1949. He later on wanted to change his degree and started back up in school for philosophy and graduated in 1956.
  • Began Teaching

    Began Teaching
    Kuhn’s began teaching at the university of California, Berkeley in both the philosophy department and history department. He was then named the Professor of History and Science in 1961.
  • Published

    Kuhn’s published his book that he is best known and most influential book “The Structure of Scientific Revolution”. In 1964 he then joined Princeton University and became the M. Taylor professor of history of science.
  • MIT

    In 1979 he joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as the Laurence S. To Rockefeller professor of Philosophy. He stayed working there until 1991. He was a great inspiration to everyone he worked with and taught.
  • Diagnosed with lung Cancer

    Diagnosed with lung Cancer
    After working at multiple universities and getting to teach his studies he was later diagnosed with Lung cancer in 1994 and died in 1996. Kuhn’s was married twice his first wife is named Kathryn Muh’s and had 3 children with her and later was married to Jehane Barton Burns (Jehane B. Kuhn)