I am david

I Am David

  • David escapes

    David escapes
    David escapes the conservation camp with the help of the guard. He escapes late at night and makes it to Salonika.
  • Colour

    David gets on a boat in the early morning/afternoon and meets a sailor that will help him get safely off the boat. When David gets off the boat he is amazed by the colours he can see.
  • David meets people

    David meets people
    David meets people on the side of the road that have ran out of gas. David offers to get gas for them, but they are scared he might steal their gas.
  • Saving Maria

    Saving Maria
    David saves a young girl named Maria from a burning shed. Maria takes David to meet her family and they say he can stay however long he woulf like. He was happy when he got to sleep in a clen warm bed.
  • David is gone

    David is gone
    David wrote a not for Maria's family and he tells Maria he will always think of her. David can never go back to Maria's house.
  • Sophie Bang

    Sophie Bang
    Davis meets a lady names Sophie Bang. Sophie invites David into her house and she tells him about her son named David that had been taken away from her when he was one.
  • The farmer

    The farmer
    David ends up at a horrible farmers house by hitting his head because he can't see. David escapes from the farmers barn and the farmers dog King follows him.
  • David's mom

    David's  mom
    David finds his mom in her appartment in Kolding. When his mom sees him she says "David... my son David."